Magic Kids EYFS Program Sharjah
Magic Kids Nursery adopts holistic approach in child development. To the nursery it is important that children develop their personal, social and cognitive skills and become creative. The nursery aims to support the development of each child and prepare them for the forthcoming challenges of life. The nursery adopts the standard framework of Early Year Foundation Stage EYFS Program Sharjah, which covers every aspect of childcare and development, in the development of curriculum. It ensures that children learn and develop in the early year settings and stay safe.
In the nursery, the concept of cooperation will be enhanced & children will get opportunity to share and take turns. They will learn to give importance to each other & develop the sense of empathy and togetherness among them.

Areas of Learning
The areas of learning that help children to develop and become ready for school are:

Integrated Enrichment Activities
Magic Kids Nursery will have full-fledged curriculum to cater to the physical, emotional and social needs of the children. On regular basis the nursery will offer range of activities meeting the educational needs of the child. Parallel to that, nursery will also offer various enrichment activities to provide children chance to utilize their hidden talents and enhance their creative instincts. Every Day care in Sharjah, nursery will allocate a time for the enrichment activity program for the kids. The enrichment program will be based on large group activities supervised by the practitioner. Enrichment courses will stimulate the mind by offering children a deeper and more hands-on approach to a specific skill or activity that appeals to their unique interests.
Extended Care Curriculum
The Magic Kids Nursery plans to provide the extended care services to the parents. It will cater the needs of the parents who stay out for whole day due to their work commitments. The nursery will adopt the standard EYFS Program for extended care programs where the planned activities will address the seven areas of learning. The activities in later part of the day will mirror the regular day activities however the activities will be less physically demanding and will be based on more fine motor skill developments and creative learning, addressing seven areas of learning.
Language Acquisition Model
Magic Kids Nursery acknowledges the importance of language development in early years and committed to provide the language enriched environment to the children. The nursery aims to adopt English as a main language of instruction keeping in view the diverse population of Sharjah.
The nursery believes that it is the responsibility of teachers to identify the suitable methods to support children language development. Therefore, the children will be provided with adequate opportunities to talk in a variety of settings in order to support their language developments.

Arabic Language Curriculum
Magic Kids Nursery will adopt the EYFS framework to teach the Arabic language in classroom ensuring that all seven areas of learning will be covered. Children will be taught Arabic language through several fun and stimulating activities. The nursery will ensure that children will have enriching Arabic language environment. Arabic language teacher will adopt effective techniques to ensure the successful language acquisition of children.